Finding Focus – One Tool to Help Survive the Pandemic

As I get up to make a cup of tea, then in a bit check the mailbox or later do a quick scroll through my LinkedIn feed or perhaps write some notes in my new notebook, I am thinking about focus. Finding focus is normally hard. Responding to the impacts of the pandemic is overwhelming for many business owners. Our minds are pulled in so many directions just on the business side. Then there are non-business worries and uncertainty. Too many things to do combined with the anxiety translates into heightened stress and sometimes paralysis of action and decisions. Recently I have had some insights into how finding focus can help address this problem. Not that it is an easy solution.

I currently have a consulting contract with Women’s Enterprise Centre of Manitoba (WECM). The Rural Reset Initiative, known as Strength in Community, is a project funded by the federal government as part of its pandemic relief program. We are organizing workshops and peer mentorship opportunities for women entrepreneurs outside of Winnipeg. I feel very fortunate. My rowing travel business was walloped by COVID-19. I have done my share of pivoting. And swiveling, contorting and backflipping. Just like the women that we are working with.

In the workshops we hear the stories of concerns and challenges, and also successes. In addition to working on peer mentorship, we share some relevant content on marketing or finance, plus some overall tips.

One tool that is really resonating is the concept of finding focus. We don’t call it that. But over two workshop sessions we discuss a couple of topics that guide the participants to focus. What they choose to work on will not resolve every issue and problem in their businesses. But choosing to drill down on one thing that could make a difference now helps. It helps by identifying something specific that is possible – an action that offers relief as well as hopefully tangible benefits to the business.

When my revenue went to zero and I was spinning, trying to find new sources of revenue quickly, finding focus made a difference. We can’t do it all. We can do at least one thing. We will get through this, step by step.

Tips to find focus from our workshops

  1. Are you familiar with the Stephen Covey concept of circle of concern and circle of influence (and control)? We share this video about it, developed during the pandemic. The presenter proposes an exercise to write down what concerns us, and at least two or three things that we can influence. It is an exercise that we do with the group and it is insightful.
  2. Later in the workshops we present SMART goals and have an individual exercise followed by breakout rooms to discuss further, peer to peer. We encourage the participants to create just one or two goals which are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Timed. Here are some helpful worksheets.
  3. A final filter that we apply is the simple question: Is what I am doing helping or harming?

Here is an excellent website with additional, very practical tips, summarized as:

  1. Limit distractions
  2. Organize your time effectively
  3. Build energy and get in the mood to work
  4. Fight procrastination
  5. Plan your work

These are comparatively simple things. But finding focus is not easy in these turbulent times. Going back to some basics is not a bad thing. I am sure that I will be writing some more about focus. Please let me know your thoughts. What has worked for you in your business? Is focus a good tool to help you get through the pandemic?

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