
Ruth Marr - The Thoughtful Rower
Ruth Marr

Hello! I am Ruth. I am a rower, a traveller, a business owner. I am also intrigued with the environment, culture and current issues. We live in an age when algorithms filter our preferences and give us more of the same. We also live in a world of great information and possibilities. It is not a contradiction to be focussed and a specialist or at other times be eclectic and a generalist. Join me on this journey as I explore ideas, share information and invoke inspiration.

My Story

This website has been a long time in developing. It reflects my love of writing, combines my various interests, and builds on past and current business and websites.

Let’s start with the writing. The first evidence of my commitment to words came when I won the English honours at my high school graduation. My poor English teacher was devastated when she learnt that I had elected to study science and not arts. I didn’t see a contradiction. Good communication serves and enhances all fields and endeavours. It has proven essential in my consulting business. It helped me write two guidebooks. In my first adventure travel company, my absolute favourite thing was the annual writing of our brochure. Then along came websites and blogs. Rowing The World, my current adventure travel company, features The Rowing Travel Blog.

Travel has been part of my life from an early age. I have lived in four countries (almost five) – South Africa, Canada, Malaysia, Sierra Leone and sort of Germany.  Travelled in over 60. Even my great grandparents were intrepid travellers – it is in the genes.  I used to always want to go to new places to discover and explore. But I have also learnt the pleasures of returning to favourite destinations and experiences. Turns out that I am also content to spend time at my home in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

I absolutely love to be outside, and I love to be active there. Wilderness and nature are the best, but an interesting city is inspiring too. My first outdoor sports were cycling and hiking. Then came cross-country skiing. About 25 years ago I got hooked on rowing. Moving under your own power in different places and weathers, alone or with friends or groups, can be stimulating and exciting or reflective and meditative.

Travel exposed me to beautiful and thought-provoking art, architecture, dance, literature. What great fortune I have had to meet different people, immerse myself in other cultures, sample wonderful food and be exposed to a diversity of ideas, opinions and issues. There is so much to explore and enjoy. Join me. We have lots to share and discuss.